[WinMac] list traffic

Marc Bizer(mlbizer[at]mail.utexas.edu)
Thu, 15 Apr 1999 16:17:52 -0500

On 4/15/99 at 11:36 AM -0700, David McKnight wrote:
>I've said it before, if someone doesn't want to read a message, they should
>simply skip over it. Seems to be the obvious and easy answer.

I'm sorry, but there are many subscribers to the list who simply do
not like to have their mailboxes flooded with messages with very
little new content, musings on vaporware, oblique attacks on Steve
Jobs, etc. They don't want to have to set up special filters or have
to continually use the delete key. I know because they have told me
when they have unsubscribed. And we have lost some valuable list


* Windows-MacOS Cooperation List *

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